Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Plot Sisters

Today I want to acknowledge five vibrant Dayton writers. They dub themselves “The Plot Sisters,” meet regularly to critique each other’s writing, and attend writing conferences together.

Traci Ison Schafer, Cindy Cremeans, Christina Consolino, Jen Messaros
Ruthann Kain (not pictured)

Fortuitously, I reconnected with four of them at the Mad Anthony Writer’s Conference the first weekend in April after first meeting them in Katrina Kittle’s Character Development class last summer. 

My next blog post will reveal my greatest adventure at Mad Anthony. I’ll give you a teaser. Gathering my courage, I stretched beyond my comfort zone in the literary world. "The Plot Sisters" cheered me on, celebrated my courage, and offered continuing support. What could be better than that?

I’m grateful to count "The Plot Sisters" among my newest writing friends and supporters. No one reaches their goals alone. Aspiring authors all, we are giving each other mutual support.  I’d like to introduce them to you.

I follow Traci and Christina’s blogs. Check them out here and join in the cheering:

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